Handmade Tableware Blue Sand Blue Reactive Portugal Zurich

Blue Sand


    Blue Ceramic Tableware: Our darkest blue glaze with beautiful reactive effects.

    Blue Sand is our blue glaze and is especially characterized by the pronounced reactive glaze effect. Here, every piece really does look a little different, because even small temperature differences in the kiln cause the glaze to become slightly lighter or darker. The charm of this color comes from these uncontrollable color effects that surprise us anew after each firing. 

    The perfect color contrast to light dishes

    Blue Sand looks particularly beautiful in combination with light dishes: Spaghetti, dishes with cheese or yogurt really shines through the contrast. With Blue Sand you set accents in your home. At the same time, the color is subtle and does not push itself into the foreground - your food looks all the more beautiful for it.

    Stoneware robust tableware

    Our tableware is made of sturdy stoneware clay and is even used in restaurants - perfectly suitable for dishwasher, oven or microwave. Due to the high quality workmanship you will enjoy your new plates, bowls and cups for a long time!